Homeless Task Force and Data

Point-in-Time Count

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is an annual census and survey to identify the sheltered and unsheltered homeless population across the County. This count is required for all recipients of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding. The PIT Count takes place during the last week of January each year. 

Walnut Creek Homeless Task Force 

The Walnut Creek Homeless Task is a volunteer group that meets monthly to discuss solutions to homelessness and advocate for affordable housing. 

Community Forums on Homelessness 

The City of Walnut Creek, the Walnut Creek Homeless Task Force, and other organizations work together to host educational forums that address homelessness in our community. The forums educate our neighbors about homelessness and discuss what individuals can do to help. They also teach the community about the need for affordable housing and homeless prevention efforts.  Visit the links below to watch past forums: